Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) apply massive amounts of untreated waste to nearby farmlands, with severe environmental health impacts of swine CAFOs and proximity to disadvantaged communities well documented in some US regions. Most …
Industrial agriculture disproportionately affects minority, low-income, and Tribal communities, propagating environmental injustice. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) apply massive amounts of untreated waste to nearby farmlands. Even though the environmental health impacts of CAFOs are well documented, most studies rely almost exclusively on known CAFO locations from public records, which are incomplete.
Reidsville GA Community Floods, a small community group, seeks to prevent residential flooding in Reidsville, GA. This community science project will help residents understand their flood risks and the potential for green infrastructure as a step toward this greater goal. In parallel with the group’s existing partnerships that are investigating county-level flooding, the outcomes of this project are to 1) create a map that outlines flood risk in the community 2) better understand the potential for green infrastructure, including replicable green infrastructure on private property.