Surface water and flooding dynamics data set based on seasonally continuous Landsat data (1986-2011) in a dryland river basin


The layers provided here are part of the publication, [Tulbure, M.G. and M. Broich (2018)]. The method is described in [Tulbure et al. (2016)]. Data are provided in GeoTIFF format per season per year. File naming convention is yy_inund_freq_season_SamplingMethod. For example, “99_inund_freq_winter_max” will represent inundation frequency for winter 1999 resampled using a maximum resampling method. Inundation frequency represents the number of times a pixel has been flagged as flooded out of the times that pixel had valid observations * 100. Valid observation exclude no data values and clouds. The valid range of inundation frequency is 0-100 [%], with 255 indicating no data values. Data type is eight bit unsigned integer (uint8). The data were resampled to 120m resolution to reduce file size. The resampling methods used include max (e.g. selects the max value of all non-NODATA contributing 30m pixels) and mean (median and min can be provided upon request). If you are unsure which resampling to use, you may want to start with the mean.

Dataset - Zenodo
Mirela G. Tulbure
Mirela G. Tulbure

I am an Associate Professor with the Center for Geospatial Analytics at North Carolina State University (NCSU).

Mark Broich
Mark Broich
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Played a central research role on the Geospatial Analysis for Environmental Change team and had a key role in building the GAEC lab.
