Dr. Mirela Tulbure contributed to a new article that is currently in pre-print entitled “Taking it further; leveraging pseudo labels for field delineation across label-scarce smallholder regions.”
The GAEC Lab’s flood research in Georgia was featured in an Australian Science Show and in an article on NC State’s News website.
In 2021-2022 the top cited paper in Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation was Regional matters: On the usefulness of regional land-cover datasets in times of global change.
The journal article Can we detect more ephemeral floods with higher density harmonized Landsat Sentinel 2 data compared to Landsat 8 alone? was selected for the 2022 Highlights in ISPRS.
We are looking for a highly motivated undergraduate research student to join our Geospatial Analysis for Environmental Change lab at NC State on a project using geospatial analytics for social good.
Mirela explained some of the labs research projects to undergraduate students in the NC State University Honors Program interested in global flooding.
Lab members Mollie, Rebecca, and Varun presented posters on their current research projects at the 5th annual CNR Graduate Research Symposium this week.
The lab is given a Collaboration and Innovation Award at the Fourth Annual CGA Awards.
As posted about here, lab members Mollie Gaines and Varun Tiwari received travel grants to attend the AGU Fall Meeting.
Mirela, Mollie, and Varun travelled to Chicago, Illinois in order to attend the American Geophysical Union’s fall meeting.