Dr. Mollie Gaines started PostDoctoral position

Dr. Gaines is staying with the GAEC lab for a PostDoctoral position following her successful PhD defense in June.

During her time in the Ph.D. program, she used satellite imagery to quantify surface water in the southeastern US and completed three dissertation chapters. Two chapters have already been published and the third is currently under review. Dr. Gaines was also a NASA ScOPE Affiliate and finished her Ph.D. with funding from a NASA FINESST grant. While in the Ph.D. program, she was an active member of the Geospatial Graduate Student Organization and served as Co-President for 2 years. Additionally, she presented at the AGU Annual Meeting four times from 2020 to 2023.

Dr. Gaines is excited to continue working with Dr. Tulbure in the GAEC lab. In upcoming work, she will be applying deep learning to Sentinel-2 imagery to detect small artificial water bodies in North Carolina. She is measuring methane from a sample of the water bodies in order to further explore and quantify the contribution of methane emission from them.

You can read the first two chapters of Dr. Gaines’ dissertation here and here.

Darcy Boast
Darcy Boast
Undergraduate Research Assistant

I am an undergraduate student majoring in Environmental Sciences at North Carolina State University.