Lab’s Community Flood Research featured in Multiple News Outlets

The GAEC Lab’s flood research in Georgia was featured in an Australian Science Show and in an article on NC State’s News website.
The research was covered in an engaging segment entitled “How Scientists are Helping Flooding Communities” on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Science Show on June 23, 2023. The Science Show’s host interviewed Jacqueline Jones, a homeowner in Reidsville, Georgia and community advocate. The show also interivewed GAEC Lab’s PI, Dr. Mirela Tulbure and digs into the methods for finding flood extents in Georgia using Ms. Jones' in-situ data from the community.
Check out the radio segment here.
The research was also covered in “Finding Floods from Space to Support Community Action” by Dr. Megan Skrip and was published in June on NC State’s Center for Geospatial Analytics News website. It highlights the lab’s research in Reidsville, Georgia, which was facilitated by the American Geophysical Union’s Thriving Earth Exchange. Over the course of a year, the lab used satellite imagery to corroborate Reidsville residents’ flooding observations. The final products from a year of collaboration included a brief technical report and a publicly accessible, interactive storymap.
Check out the full article here.