Mirela and colleagues at Humboldt Lab publish paper discussing the pros and cons of regional and global earth observation derived landcover data.

“Regional matters: On the usefulness of regional land-cover datasets in times of global change” was published in Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation in December 2021.

This publication discusses the development of global-EO land-cover and land-use data sets and the relative advantages and disadvantages of regional and global datasets. As global changes impacts manifest in regions it is critical that EO data embraces the idea that regions matter.

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Bibliographic Citation

Tulbure, M.G., Hostert, P., Kuemmerle, T. and Broich, M.. 2022. Regional matters: On the usefulness of regional land-cover datasets in times of global change. Remote Sens Ecol Conserv, 8 https://doi.org/10.1002/rse2.248

Brooke Cox
Brooke Cox
Undergraduate Researcher

I am an undergraduate student majoring in Environmental Science at North Carolina State University.