Post-doc and PhD position opening in the Lab, part of the new NASA grant

The deadline has passed for the PhD position, however, I AM STILL ACCEPTING applications.
Come join our lab and work as part of an exciting NASA funded-grant using sensor fusion for flood mapping. The PhD position is the 3rd one listed here as part of the Geospatial Analytics PhD program. The post-doc ad will follow shortly.
The Geospatial Analysis for Environmental Change Lab at North Carolina State University seeks a creative and motivated Ph.D. student with strong quantitative skills and coding experience and an interest in remote sensing, image processing, flooding, and surface water dynamics. The position will begin Fall 2021 and is funded for four years at $25,000/year, plus benefits and tuition support, through the cutting-edge Ph.D. program in Geospatial Analytics offered by NC State’s Center for Geospatial Analytics through a collaboration between the Center for Geospatial Analytics and the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources.
The selected applicant will join a research group devoted to answering questions pertaining to flooding and surface water dynamics through innovative use of remotely sensed imagery. The student will be part of an interdisciplinary and multi-institutional team funded by NASA to quantify flooding dynamics using multi-sensor satellite data.
The Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State is an internationally recognized hub for interdisciplinary data scientists pushing the boundaries of spatial data science to advance discovery and inform real-world decision-making. Students in the Ph.D. program receive multidisciplinary advising and the opportunity to work with over thirty faculty fellows with diverse expertise from over a dozen departments across NC State.
Applicants should have experience in coding and remote sensing.
For more information about the position, contact Mirela Tulbure ( and include a copy of your CV, unofficial transcripts, code example, and a piece of writing you are proud of. Additional details about the Ph.D. program in Geospatial Analytics and complete application instructions are available at Interested students are also encouraged to contact Rachel Kasten, Graduate Services Coordinator ( or 919-515-2800), with questions about the program or to explore additional opportunities.