Dr. Tulbure was recently named as one of the 20 2024-2025 University Faculty Scholars, selected from over 2,500 faculty members for research achievements.
A new paper led by Dr. Tulbure on non-permitted poultry operations has been published in GeoHealth. Dr. Júlio Caineta, current lab postdoc is a co-author.
GAEC lab members Mirela, Rebecca, Mollie and Varun presented at the American Geophysical Union Conference in Washington, D.C. in December.
PhD Candidate Varun Tiwari’s second PhD paper has been published in PLOS ONE journal.
Ph.D. Student Rebecca Composto recently received a combined $25k in funding from a grant and scholarship. Rebecca’s research focuses on flooding and emergency preparedness in urban areas. In her first Ph.D. paper, she created a flood extent map of southeastern Pennsylvania for Hurricane Ida.
Dr. Gaines is staying with the GAEC lab for a PostDoctoral position following her successful PhD defense in June.
A new paper on field delineation of smallholder farms has been published, in which Dr. Tulbure is a co-author.
The GAEC lab is excited to welcome Emma Vail as its newest member.
The GAEC lab welcomes Darcy Boast as its newest undergraduate research assistant.
The paper, Projecting Surface Water Area Under Different Climate and Development Scenarios, was published on July 19, 2024 in Earth’s Future. This study is the second data chapter of Mollie Gaines' dissertation.