Vegetation response to flooding across large dryland areas such as Australia's Murray Darling Basin (MDB) is not understood synoptically and with locally relevant detail.
Recent studies have developed novel long-term records of surface water (SW) maps on continental and global scales but due to the spatial and temporal resolution constraints of available satellite sensors, they are either of high spatial and low temporal resolution or vice versa.
Despite calls for landscape connectivity research to account for spatiotemporal dynamics, studies have overwhelmingly evaluated the importance of habitats for connectivity at single or limited moments in time. Remote sensing time series represent a promising resource for studying connectivity within dynamic ecosystems. However, there is a critical need to assess how static and dynamic landscape connectivity modelling approaches compare for prioritising habitats for conservation within dynamic environments.
In dynamic dryland regions, accounting for spatiotemporal landscape dynamics is essential to understanding how ecological habitat networks are affected by hydroclimatic variability at regional or sub-continental scales. Here we assess how changes in the distribution and availability of surface water influence potential landscape connectivity for water-dependent organisms by combining graph theory network analysis with a Landsat-derived, seasonally continuous 25-year surface-water time-series.
Landscape-scale research quantifying ecological connectivity is required to maintain the viability of populations in dynamic environments increasingly impacted by anthropogenic modification and environmental change. To evaluate how surface water …
Landscape connectivity is important for the long-term persistence of species inhabiting dryland freshwater ecosystems, with spatiotemporal surface-water dynamics (e.g., flooding) maintaining connectivity by both creating temporary habitats and providing transient opportunities for dispersal.
Periodically inundated floodplain areas are hot spots of biodiversity and provide a broad range of ecosystem services but have suffered alarming declines in recent history. Despite their importance, their long-term surface water (SW) dynamics and hydroclimatic drivers remain poorly quantified on continental scales.
The usage of time series of Earth observation (EO) data for analyzing and modeling surface water extent (SWE) dynamics across broad geographic regions provides important information for sustainable management and restoration of terrestrial surface water resources, which suffered alarming declines and deterioration globally.
Seasonally continuous long-term information on surface water and flooding extent over subcontinental scales is critical for quantifying spatiotemporal changes in surface water dynamics. We used seasonally continuous Landsat TM/ETM + data and generic random forest-based models to synoptically map the extent and dynamics of surface water and flooding (1986–2011) over the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB).
Detailed information on the spatiotemporal dynamic in surface water bodies is important for quantifying the effects of a drying climate, increased water abstraction and rapid urbanization on wetlands. The Swan Coastal Plain (SCP) with over 1500 …